To provide a clear framework for developing social competence and appropriate behaviour. To ensure the regulations in the Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008 C10 are met.


  • To support kaiako by providing strategies for developing social competence.
  • To provide tamariki with skills needed in social situations


Prevention Strategies
To manage tamariki behaviour in a respectful, positive and effective way, we believe it will include the following:

  • Building positive relationships. Relationships are the key to effective teaching and enables trust to be developed between the kaiako and tamariki.
  • Building Self-Regulation. Guiding tamariki to recognise their own feelings and actions.
  • Providing a safe and interesting environment - We will provide an environment which ensures stimulation and involvement with familiar and new experiences.
  • Encouragement – Kaiako will use recognition of effort and praise as a positive reinforcement for tamariki.
  • Clear expectations - Centre rules and boundaries will be given in a clear and positive way.
  • Awareness of Stress - To be aware of signs of stress in tamariki and to provide appropriate quieter spaces for them.

Positive Guidance Strategies
Kaiako will encourage developing  social competence by

  • Regularly observing, discussing and evaluating the environment and how tamariki interact with it.
  • Providing opportunities and outlets for tamariki to channel their energy in a safe way.
  • Teaching emotional literacy – providing learning opportunities for tamariki to express emotions in an appropriate way.
  • Supporting tamariki in resolving their own conflicts where possible.
  • Sharing information and concerns about tamariki behaviour at room meetings.
  • Maintaining ongoing contact with families.
  • Providing an atmosphere of consistency across the centre with flexible routines at an unhurried pace.
  • Displaying good social skills and positive interactions with tamariki and other staff members as a model for the tamariki.
  • Encouraging tamariki to talk positively and respectfully to each other, and teachers.
  • Considering the four principles of Te Whariki in their interactions with tamariki:  empowerment, family and community, holistic development, relationships.

Dealing with inappropriate behaviours
Kaiako will ensure that

  • No tamariki is isolated, immobilized or deprived of food or drink. No tamariki will be spoken to harshly, belittled, or degraded.
  • A clear message will be given by the teacher explaining why the behaviour is unacceptable ie when a tamariki could hurt themselves, other tamariki, adults or property.
  • Strategies such as ‘when/then’, ‘when you hit you sit’, proximal praise, ignoring are to be used regularly. Referring to the Incredible Years Manual and text book will provide further strategies.
  • Some behaviour may be ignored in the short term or the kaiako’s attention may be given to the victim of the tamariki undesirable actions after a short firm message is given to the offending tamariki child.
  • Tamariki are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour and resolve their own conflicts, but support from an adult will be offered when the tamariki is unable to do this.
  • When differences arise between tamariki, we will talk to all involved. If possible find out what has happened and encourage them to talk and work out how their differences can be resolved to “make things right” with each other.
  • If required, a tamariki will be redirected to another play area.
  • If a kaiako is finding a situation too stressful, they will be encouraged to move away and allow/request another kaiako to take over.
  • When a tamariki does not respond to positive guidance and frequently has challenging behaviours, observations will be completed by staff and a plan of action be put in place to manage the behaviour.
  • If a tamariki persists in inappropriate behaviour a meeting will be called with parents/whanau to share concerns and ideas about how the behaviour will be managed. It may also include obtaining advice and support from appropriate outside agencies.
  • ‘Daffodil’ is the code word to indicate to another kaiako that a situation is under control.

When implementing this policy; teachers are required to familiarise themselves with:

  • Positive Foundations for Learning:  Confident and Competent Children in Early Childhood Education Services. Published by ERO- October 2011.
  • The Incredible Years Programme Manual.
  • Webster-Stratton, C. (2012) Incredible Teachers: Nurturing Children’s Social, Emotional and Academic Competence. www.incredibleyears.com
  • Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres (2008).
  • He mapuna te tamaiti: Supporting Social and Emotional Competence in Early Learning. Ministry of Education.
  • Engage: Self-regulation Programme for Improved Life-Course Outcomes.