If antibiotics are prescribed, the child must have been taking them for 48 hours before they can return to the Centre (ie they will be required to stay home for 2 days before being allowed to return to the Centre). This is to allow time for the medication to begin working. This will be up to the Manager’s discretion.


If your child is to be admitted to hospital and is nil-by-mouth, they need to be kept at home.

After all operations, children need to stay at home for at least 48 hours to allow time for the child to recover (longer if recommended by the doctor).


A child needs to have had NO VOMITING and/or NO DIARRHOEA for 48 hours after the last episode before returning to the Centre.

Children who have had a vomit or diarrhoea during the night must not be brought to the Centre the following day. They need to be kept away for 48 hours after the last episode.

If the child has diarrhoea or vomit at the Centre, the Centre Manager will contact the parent to collect their child immediately.


We will attempt to administer fluids or give the child a lemonade ice block. If the child’s temperature is higher than normal, but less than 38 degrees C, we will remove some of the child’s clothes and then check the temperature again.

If the child’s temperature is over 38 degrees C, the child’s parents will be contacted and asked to collect their child as soon as possible.


The centre will notify parents as soon as a case of childhood diseases (eg, chicken pox, measles) have been brought to the attention of centre staff.

Public Health will be called at any time when/if staff need support and help ensuring the whole Centre’s well-being.

The Centre Manager will inform the management committee immediately of any serious illness, notifiable diseases and/or situations requiring medical attention. 


In the case of lice, parents will be asked to pick up their child from the Centre, and will not be able to return until lice treatments have been administered as per the product manufacturer’s instructions.

Follow-up treatments must also be administered as per instructions.

PLEASE NOTE: There may be times that what the doctor told you may differ from what our centre policy states. Therefore parents may be asked to do something further to meet this policy.  We want to ensure the safety and well-being of all the children and staff in the Centre.