Because of the risks of infection, we are unable to take care of sick children. You must keep your child home if he/she has any of the following symptoms:
- high temperature
- inflamed throat, ears or eyes
- unidentified rash
- infected sores
- upset stomach, vomiting or diarrhoea (until 24 hours after the last episode)
- any sign of general ill health that staff feel would warrant a doctor’s visit. If your child requires Paracetamol we would prefer they stay at home.
If antibiotics are prescribed the child must have been taking them for 48 hours before they can return to the centre.
If in the event your child becomes unwell while at Olive Shoots we require a parent or guardian to collect them immediately.
Almost all children experience some mild form of illness whenever they first enter a group situation. We will notify you immediately if your child shows any sign of illness. If we are informed of any contagious illness we will inform families by email or our noticeboard.
You will need to supply us with a copy of your child’s immunisation records at enrolment and keep us updated.
If you choose not to immunise your child please let the manager know.
When your child is on medication from a doctor, you will be required to sign a form each day, authorising teachers to administer the medication.
Non-prescribed medicine will not be administered, nor will medicine be given that doesn’t have your child’s name and a current date on the label.
Arnica and Hypercal are provided by and used at the centre. Permission from you is gained on the enrolment form.
Long term medication will be administered based on your child’s action plan. Medications for life threatening conditions, such as allergies, can be held here in a locked cabinet. Staff are trained in the administration of epi-pens and asthma inhalers.